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Submission of abstracts

We welcome different kinds of abstracts:


1) Oral presentation

2) PhD MasterClass


Submission of abstracts is closed. 

Notification of abstract acceptance: 10th of March 


Conference fee: 115 €




1) Oral presentation

We welcome a different kind of abstracts 1) completed research projects; 2) research and development projects in progress and 3) PhD projects.


Abstracts should have a title, a list of authors and their affiliations, and a text of maximum 500 words describing the purpose, background, theoretical- and methodological considerations, main results and conclusions and (additional) central references (references not included in the 500 words). 

For projects in progress, the focus could be on more central issues or dilemmas that the author(-s) want to discuss.
Each abstract will be reviewed by independent and experienced researchers.




2) PhD Master Class

PhD Master class will take place on May 25th (09:00 - 12:00 ). PhD students are encouraged to give short presentations on their own projects for further discussions in relation to the topics of the conference. Each student will be offered individual consultations with the organizers. Abstracts should be submitted according to the guidelines below. After acceptance, the participants should submit an extended abstract of 2000 (±500) words.






Abstracts will be published in an electronic conference proceeding.
Participants will be invited to submit a manuscript to the journal Designs for Learning. These papers will be evaluated due to the rules of the journal.


For more information about the journal:


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