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Keynote speakers

 Jay David Bolter, Georgia Institute of Technology

Learning in the Digital Plenitude: What has changed?


Digital technologies now play a central role in the storage, distribution and presentation of vast amounts of text, images, video and audio—in other words, most forms of knowledge representation. The question remains whether digital technologies are leading to significant, or merely superficial, changes in the way we communicate and learn?  Is the textual paradigm in learning and education now finally being superseded? 


Sanna Järvelä, University of Oulu, Finland

Using multimodal data to understand and design for learning


I will introduce the theoretical progress of research on regulated learning, review our recent empirical findings of regulated learning in a computer-supported collaborative learning context and discuss practical learning design implications of this line of research.


Theo van Leeuwen, University of Southern Denmark and

Staffan Selander, Stockholm University, Sweden 

Multimodality and

Designs for Learning


In our presentation, we will outline – multimodal social semiotic thinking, and design-oriented thinking – in relation to learning and future education. After this, we will start a dialogue about the concepts and ways of thinking that are central to the two perspectives, and anchoring this discussion in joint projects concerning textbooks and toys as communication.

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